Patent # RU 2147249 C1

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[11] Publication Number: 2147249
[13] Kind of Document: C1
[14] Publication Date: 2000.04.10
[19] Publishing Country or Organization: RU
[21] Appl. No.: 97100800/14
[22] Filled: 1997.01.20
[24] Effective Dates for Priority rights: 1997.01.20
[46] Claim(s) date: 2000.04.10
[51] Int. Cl.: A61N5/06
[71] Applicant: Butenin A.V., Vorozhtsov G.N., Kalija O.L., Kogan B.Ja., Kogan E.A., Kopranenkov V.N., Loshchenov V.B., Luk'janets E.A., Meerovich G.A., Torshina N.L., Kharnas S.S.
[75] Inventors: Butenin A.V., Vorozhtsov G.N., Kalija O.L., Kogan B.Ja., Kogan E.A., Kopranenkov V.N., Loshchenov V.B., Luk'janets E.A., Meerovich G.A., Torshina N.L., Kharnas S.S.
[73] Assignee: Butenin A.V., Vorozhtsov G.N., Kalija O.L., Kogan B.Ja., Kogan E.A., Kopranenkov V.N., Loshchenov V.B., Luk'janets E.A., Meerovich G.A., Torshina N.L., Kharnas S.S.

[57] Abstract:

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves introducing photosensibilizer. The pathogenic area is irradiated with optic radiation which wavelength belongs to spectral bandwidth of the photosensibilizer. Ascorbic acid is administered or alkaline metalascorbates not less than 0.5 h before exposure at a dose of not less than 5 mg/kg of patient body weight. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of treatment course; reduced frequency of recidivation and process generalization. 6 cl



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